Monday, September 19, 2011


These past few months have brought a lot of changes with them.  One of these changes being that my baby (well not really baby...she is almost 5 after all..) had to make the transition from daycare into kindergarten.  This meant leaving her bestest friend in the whole world, who she's know since just after her first birthday, and this was devastating!  Not a day passed for 3 months straight without her asking if she could see her cherished friend.  I made the horrible mistake of not ensuring that I had her friend's phone number...not my best mommy moment, but I was delighted when we happened to run into them at a local store.  The two girls were literally rolling on the floor together and jumping up and down and her mom and I were pretty close to tears at the sight of it.  We made sure to share numbers and these photos are just a few of my favorites from their first post-daycare-play date!  I am so happy that my baby has her BFF back!

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